Keller - Superpose Auto CleanPlate v2.0 - After Effects AE Plugin (Win/Mac Osx) Free Download

Superpose is a very effective and time saving tool to remove non-static objects out of a set of pictures or an image sequence with static camera. Superpose is best used as a first cleaning step for creating clean plates.
The power of Superpose is most effective when removing a huge number of objects like snow, rain or crowds.
Compare to other techniques for rain or snow removal like frame-averaging which leaves ghosting shadows, Superpose statistically analyses each pixel and calculates the probability of the background pixel value. This leads to a perfect result.

Superpose simply removes moving objects from an image sequence with a static or stabilized camera. The best result is usually achieved the more input pictures you use
Remove rain, snow or crowds
No need for manual painting. Especially removing a large number of objects can be a mess
Increase the weight for better image candidates and tweak the result
No ghosting effects compare to frame averaging
Use and combine multiple Superpose nodes for different settings in different image areas

Get the After Effects Plugin
